"Minla Control" application is now available in Google Play Store.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.minlarc.minlacp

1. When first opened - press "ADD NEW" menu item.
2. Fill in "Name" field - it can be any text you want.
3. Fill in "Minla unique ID" - is your Minla receiver id - same as you use when you access web interface.
4. "Web interface URL" can be left default if you didn't modify original Minla web interface html file.
5. Press "Save". You will see your new connection item on next screen. Press it and you will get to Minla web interface in full-screen mode and landscape orientation.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.minlarc.minlacp

1. When first opened - press "ADD NEW" menu item.
2. Fill in "Name" field - it can be any text you want.
3. Fill in "Minla unique ID" - is your Minla receiver id - same as you use when you access web interface.
4. "Web interface URL" can be left default if you didn't modify original Minla web interface html file.
5. Press "Save". You will see your new connection item on next screen. Press it and you will get to Minla web interface in full-screen mode and landscape orientation.